Hit me with your best shot

you guys are so incredible. I started writing these kind of just as therapy for myself but wow your feedback is amazing.

This post is going to be all about my experience with the trigger shot process

A little science first there are many different types of trigger shots the one I did was called Ovidrel. It's basically a HCG injection. HCG is used to cause ovulation and helps support the development of an egg in your ovary. It then makes the egg release so you ca make a baby.

My experience:

First off Jay had to do the injection because y'all know I'm terrified of any needle besides a tattoo one haha.  He did a great job, I joke with him and say he enjoyed it a little to much hahaha. Pain wise it wasn't to bad, the medication itself burned a little going in. I thought the shot part was going to be the worse but little did I know the worse was to come

I usually research the hell out of any medication I'm taking but for some reason I forgot to with the trigger shot.
I woke up the next day and I felt pregnant. I was dizzy, nauseous, and tired. I obviously knew I wouldn't be pregnant that quickly haha so I wondered what was up. That's when I found out the trigger shot because it's HCG basically makes your body feel like it's pregnant.

So here I am today a few days later sick as a dog 🐶 but hey at least I know now it's not the flu but the trigger shot. They say it goes away in a few days unless you really are pregnant so I'm hoping it doesn't go away!! As sick as that sounds Hahahah

So ladies if you ever have to have a trigger shot the shot part isn't bad at all!


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