As if infertility wasn't bad enough

So this is absolutely insane to me and I'm sure a lot of you are unaware because we had no clue. Infertility treatments of any kind are usually not covered at all by insurance companies. Its considered elective, but remember I did not ELECT to not be able to have a baby.

Again like in a previous post were not wanting sympathy or anything but I just want to share how insane this truly is. Jay and I are just doing what they consider the basic infertility treatments. We are not doing IVF or IUI which are more commonly known about. We are doing medications to help produce a healthier egg. 
Because of this medication We have to have an ultrasound almost every week. If I get pregnant we have them until I am 10 weeks pregnant. Ready for the kicker, none of them are covered by insurance because they are considered elective. At first Jay and I said okay no problem we make good money we will just set up a payment plan and pay for them that way, well they need the payment day of ultrasound paid in FULL. Im not going into detail about the cost but they are not cheap.

I just think this is ridiculous most couples struggling with infertility are already broken down enough emotionally, and then to be hit with this burden is terrible. 

So if you ever hear of a couple going through infertility treatments just know they are going through so much more then you can even imagine. 


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