Listen up
Today's blog post is going to be true raw emotion.
Women who struggle with infertility or miscarriages often feel like they need to "suck it up" and hide their emotions. I am very vocal about infertility and loss yet I find myself feeing like this at times as well. It's a terrible feeling to go through something so heart wrenching and sad but have to suck it up and deal with it for society. It's 2017 and it's still barely talked about openly. Why is that???
1 in 8 couples have trouble getting pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy. Now let that soak in for a second. I guarantee if you asked the question on any of your social media platforms who has suffered infertility or miscarriages the numbers would be astonishing. But here is the thing , you probably would only know about one or two of them. Us as a society makes it "weird" to openly discuss miscarraige or infertility.
After openly speaking up for a year now on miscarriages and infertility I see why people keep quiet. The amount of stupid and down right disrespectful responses are ridiculous. Here is a list of just some of the things I have been told.
" your just not doing it right"
"If you just don't think about it you will get pregnant"
"Your wasting you money"
"Do you really need a baby"
"You have only had two miscarriages"
"Why are you in a rush"
Let me answer all of these for you. As far as the " not doing it right or the you will just get pregnant" getting pregnant is not our problem. Our babies do not survive so that advice doesn't even make sense.
We might be wasting our money but that's our concern. If you were told that was your only hope of having a child you would try to do it too.
"Do you really need a baby?" This one makes me livid.... Do you really NEED that video game console or that new outfit? No but you really want it and most of the time do anything to get it. Why should we just give up if that's the one thing we want in life.
"You only had two miscarriages" For some reason in this world the magic number of miscarriages is 3 for you to usually get any help with fertility. That's why I have gotten the "you have only had 2" statement.
"Why are you in a rush" this one also makes me angry. I am almost 30 and Jay is 35. The older you get the harder it is to get pregnant and the more complications you may have. Thirty is not old but the longer we have to wait the lower our odds of having children are.
So here is my announcement to everyone please think before you speak! With that being said I have had some friends share their side of the story. While I may not agree with it they make a valid point and are respect what we're going through. Most of the time when people say things they do not mean them to hurt or be disrespectful they just honestly do not know any better.
It's the beginning of National Infertility Awareness Week can we please let people feel comfortable about openly talking about these topics.
Women who struggle with infertility or miscarriages often feel like they need to "suck it up" and hide their emotions. I am very vocal about infertility and loss yet I find myself feeing like this at times as well. It's a terrible feeling to go through something so heart wrenching and sad but have to suck it up and deal with it for society. It's 2017 and it's still barely talked about openly. Why is that???
1 in 8 couples have trouble getting pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy. Now let that soak in for a second. I guarantee if you asked the question on any of your social media platforms who has suffered infertility or miscarriages the numbers would be astonishing. But here is the thing , you probably would only know about one or two of them. Us as a society makes it "weird" to openly discuss miscarraige or infertility.
After openly speaking up for a year now on miscarriages and infertility I see why people keep quiet. The amount of stupid and down right disrespectful responses are ridiculous. Here is a list of just some of the things I have been told.
" your just not doing it right"
"If you just don't think about it you will get pregnant"
"Your wasting you money"
"Do you really need a baby"
"You have only had two miscarriages"
"Why are you in a rush"
Let me answer all of these for you. As far as the " not doing it right or the you will just get pregnant" getting pregnant is not our problem. Our babies do not survive so that advice doesn't even make sense.
We might be wasting our money but that's our concern. If you were told that was your only hope of having a child you would try to do it too.
"Do you really need a baby?" This one makes me livid.... Do you really NEED that video game console or that new outfit? No but you really want it and most of the time do anything to get it. Why should we just give up if that's the one thing we want in life.
"You only had two miscarriages" For some reason in this world the magic number of miscarriages is 3 for you to usually get any help with fertility. That's why I have gotten the "you have only had 2" statement.
"Why are you in a rush" this one also makes me angry. I am almost 30 and Jay is 35. The older you get the harder it is to get pregnant and the more complications you may have. Thirty is not old but the longer we have to wait the lower our odds of having children are.
So here is my announcement to everyone please think before you speak! With that being said I have had some friends share their side of the story. While I may not agree with it they make a valid point and are respect what we're going through. Most of the time when people say things they do not mean them to hurt or be disrespectful they just honestly do not know any better.
It's the beginning of National Infertility Awareness Week can we please let people feel comfortable about openly talking about these topics.
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