
Well here we are again typing these on my phone because my precious Laney chewed every computer cord in the house (and yes the were put out of her reach or so we thought)

Today I want to talk about my medical care and how important doctors really are on this infertility journey.

I have seen from so many others before we started going through this loved ones posting how much they adore their doctors or fertility specialists. Me looking in from the outside thought that was odd, but boy has my tune changed.

If you have read my previous blogs you will know what a terrible doctor I had with my miscarriage back in September. I was terrified to go to a doctor after that. With the suggestion of tons of clients and friends I found my current OB.

The office she works at stays so busy and I had to wait three months. That was frustrating but I knew in my heart that she must be good because of this wait. I was so right she walked into the room and immediately I felt comforted. She talked to me like a normal person not like I was below her like some doctors have in the past. She genuinely cared about us and I now truly believe she will do anything to help us one day have a healthy baby. This woman even messaged me after hours because she thought of another test she wanted to run on me. She went above and beyond. The moment I had even more respect for her is when she called me and said she honestly could not figure out what was going on and was going to send me to her friend. I don't know about you but I have heard from women who's normal OBGYN never send them to RE (reproductive endocrinologists) because they want the "glory" or money themselves. One time we had a terrible experience/mix up with the lab. She called me up personally (not a nurse) and had me hand write everything I was being tested for that way the lab could not possibly mess up. I adore her and can not wait until I'm pregnant and can go back to her.

This brings me back to my RE. She is also amazing. Her and my OB are completely different. My OB has my exact personality super sweet over the top happy and excited about everything. My RE is very to the point and absolutely brilliant. My first appointment with her she ran and hour late taking me back. Luckily I don't get to upset about this and the entire office apologized to me a million times. When we went back to talk to her I now know why she runs late. She honestly sat and just talked with us for at least 45 min. She said my OB was amazing and ran all the tests that she was going to run so that meant no more blood tests for Jay and I wooo hoooo. She went over every possible thing that could be causing my miscarriages. She then discussed what unexplained recurrent miscarriages meant and started giving us treatment options. She gets me squeezed in whenever I need ultrasounds for my medication and answers every question the second we call their office. We also have an ap where we can ask questions. She responds within usually and hour.

People ask me all the time if I'm going to be nervous when I am pregnant again. Of course your always worried when your pregnant especially after multiple miscarriages but I can safely say I feel so much more comfortable with the care I will be getting when I am pregnant.

I am so blessed to have an amazing team of doctors and nurses helping Jay and I hopefully reach our dream of having kids.


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