Tests on tests on tests

Now we come to what I like to call the treasure hunt of infertility, the testing. For me personally this part was so absolutely interesting and if I didn't hate school so much I would go to school to be an OB or RE.

With the recommendation of a ton of my NRV friends I found a new doctor who Jay and I absolutely adore. The last doctor I went to told me there was nothing we could do as far as testing goes until we had three miscarriages. We went to this new doctor expecting her to tell us the same thing, but instead she immediately sent us down to the lab for testing. 
Over the course of two months I had 14 blood tests, testing anything from diabetes, lupus, to brain tumors. Luckily they all came back negative. I also did a saline infused ultrasound to make sure everything is working properly and all of that came back with nothing wrong. Of course I didn't want anything to be "wrong" with me but it would have at least given us some answers.
The last blood test we did was Parental Genetic Karyotyping. This would finally tell us if there are any genetic mutations between both of us. We were the most worried about this test because  if your genetic makeup interferes with each other then we could never have a healthy baby together. Praise the lord our genetics also came back normal.

My sweet doctor was at such a loss as to what to do next she sent us to A RE ( reproductive endocrinologist). We had to wait MONTHS to see this RE but so glad we waited because we LOVE her also.


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