That can't be true

If you have any kind of tragedy or health problem you will probably really understand this post today.

Today is all about message boards.

I have a love hate relationship with message boards. Sometimes they can be such great help and other times they can depress you even more.

The pros of message boards and online support groups. I have met some really amazing women in the groups I'm in and message boards I am on. Its a wonderful way to not feel alone when dealing with something in your life. When I was going through testing they were there to suggest things to test for that might not typically be tested. They answer so many questions that I have that are so little I don't want to bother the doctor with. These women have been so supportive and encouraging. I truly have developed a friendship with these women I have never met but are going through the same things I am. We encourage and pray for each other and that's just incredible.

The cons of message boards. The hate and negativity. Holy cow guys you would think when going through  something like infertility or multiple miscarriages women would be a little nicer to each other but that is not always the case. I have seen women called stupid because they ask a simple question. I have seen actual verbal attacks. This is ridiculous. When I was pregnant last Jay and I decided that we are going to use cloth diapers when we do have children and already have almost a complete stock of them. I simply asked in a pregnancy message board who here has used cloth diapers and have any suggestions. I had a woman tell me that when I had my child she was going to turn me into CPS for child abuse because cloth diapers are abusive to babies. I was so absolutely shocked by this and nicely responded with the facts of cloth and just moved on. I don't want to feed hate with hate. Besides the hate there are the "Debbie downers" that make you think your going to die or the problems are way more serious then they are. When I was getting ready to go through my DNC after my miscarriage last year I was terrified after looking on message boards. There was never anything positive it was always terrible terrible things that went wrong. Now I know how rare those things were but its hard to shut off that negativity once you see it.

So you see message boards are just like life you often have to weed out the negativity to stay positive and get helpful answers.


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